Array ( [0] => Array ( [slide_name] => standaard [slide_img] => [slide_text] => [link] => [target] => _self ) )
About Sacaja Greens International B.V.
  • standaard

About Sacaja Greens International B.V.

About Sacaja Greens International B.V. Sacaja Greens International B.V. is specialized in importing (exclusive) plants from all over the world. We distinguish ourselves through our exclusive network of reliable suppliers. This enables us to import plants that are inaccessible for other importers.

Qualitative and exclusive plants for landscaping

The plants are perfect for our high-quality and exclusive landscape projects. Our exclusive and wide range of plants come from Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, Central and South America. We help our customers to be distinctive with (exclusive) plants.

Professional and economical transport

We work very professional and accurate, as a result, we make sure that the freight costs remain low compared to other exporters. In doing so, we also offer possibilities for Cross Trading, through our network of agents and partners on world there are plenty of opportunities for advantageous transport.

Interested? Meet Sacaja Greens International B.V.

Enter your name, email, phone number and click Send. Sacaja Greens International B.V. will contact you within 1 business day.

  • * velden zijn verplicht.






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