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Several exclusive plants available at Sacaja Greens
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Several exclusive plants available at Sacaja Greens

Sacaja Greens International B.V. has several exclusive plants in our range, for example the Zamia Floridana. You can read all about it here. Are you curious about the other exclusive plants? Please contact us.

Zamia Floridana is a special palm fern from the United States

This graceful palm originally comes from the United States. The Zamia Floridana is a very slow growing plant. The evergreen leaves are fine in texture and resemble the leaves of a fern. The plants are produced from a thick underground root. This palm has a much softer look and is sail without the sharp edges different as other popular cycads.

Ideal for landscape and available as indoor plants

The plants are ideal for landscape, but also, this graceful palm sail available for indoor plant. Would you like to know more about our offer in this exclusive palm? Please fill in the form below and click send.

  • * velden zijn verplicht.





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